RD Choice – Barilla® Pasta

Guest Writer – Garrett Peacy, Dietetic Intern, University of Minnesota School of Public Health Nothing is “impastable”. Take advantage of this great deal on Barilla®, your Dietitian’s Choice this week June 2nd thru June 8th on 2 for $3.00 on select varieties. Overview of Pasta Pasta comes in many different forms and there is a type for […]

Culinary Corner – Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake Mushrooms | Shutterstock

The shiitake mushroom is native to Asia and is one of the most cultivated mushrooms globally; grown on decayed wood. Approximately 83% of shiitake mushroom production is through Japan. One will often find them in Asian dishes, but shiitake mushrooms have recently became a spotlight as a protein source in the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle. […]

All About Organic and Organic Agriculture

Image Source: Tom Werner / Getty Images Organic or conventional? Those are two most common choices consumers ask me to help guide them towards which is better for nutrition, but especially overall health. In all honesty, there is no correct answer and it should be left to interpretation on which a consumer should do. Some […]