Mack's Rewards

So Many Mack’s Rewards…
Pharmacy Rewards – 10% grocery discount after 10 filled prescriptions
Deli Rewards – 7th Mack’s Snack Meal is FREE
Random Giveaways – Use your Rewards for a chance at radom monthly prizes
Digital Coupons – now easier than ever
Mack’s Donuts – 13th donut is FREE

So Many Mack’s Rewards…
Coffee Club – Purchase 5 Cappuccino or Coffee’s Get the 5th Free
Deli Rewards – 7th Mack’s Snack Meal is FREE
Random Giveaways – Use your Rewards for a chance at random monthly prizes
Digital Coupons – now easier than ever
Mack’s Donuts – 13th donut is FREE

Mack's Rewards FAQ
Absolutely! Not only does this guarantee maximum savings, but there are many Rewards that are cumulative (ie: 7th Mack’s Snack Meal is FREE).
After completing a transaction with us, your receipt will display your rewards progress. This provides a quick snapshot of your current rewards status. By inputting your registered phone number into our AppCard device at our registers, you’ll instantly view any available rewards associated with your account. The AppCard device is designed to seamlessly display your rewards and coupons during the checkout process.
Mackenthun’s uses your Rewards information for personalized in-store experiences. It also provides an alternative way to enter your Rewards profile at checkout!
A completed profile is the best way guarantee the full benefits of your Rewards experience, as well as recovering any Rewards information should an issue arise. Your information is secure and never shared with anyone.